Gaia:”Informazio-Bbilaketa eta Informazio-Iragazketa: Hizkuntza teknologiarako bi borrokatoki” / “Information Retrieval and Information Filtering: Two battlefields for NLP techniques”
Hizlaria: Giovanni Semeraro, Pasquale Lops, Marco de Gemmis
Dipartimento di Informatica Universita’ di Bari
Tokia: Informatika Fakultateko Batzar Aretoa
Eguna: Maiatzaren 6an 16:00
Part 1: Introduction to basic concepts on:
- Information Retrieval Models: Boolean, Vector space
- Information Filtering tecniques
- Recommender Systems
- Problems with classical information seeking strategies
Speaker: Giovanni Semeraro Expected duration: 75 min.
Part 2: Intelligent Information Access: Semantic Indexing using external knowledge sources: WordNet, Wikipedia – Semantic Indexing for multilingual access
Speaker: Pasquale Lops Expected duration: 45 min.
Part 3: – Knowledge Infusion (KI):
- creating a knowledge base from open knowledge sources
- KI at work: solving a challenging language game
- KI applications for recommender systems
Speaker: Marco de Gemmis Expected duration: 45 min.