Jonathan Kadmon: Hasbara (azalpena) desprogramatuz

Deprogramming Hasbara1 with Jonathan Kadmon Episode 289 10th Aug 2024 Deprogramming Hasbara with Jonathan Kadmon (   Audioa: “I was still a true deprogramming-hasbara-with-jonathan-kadmon (...)

Palestina, erresilientzia (64)

Song, kanta "My Name is Gaza" Bideoa: **** US President Harry Truman (1945-1953) stands next to a map showing the State of Palestine. Israel (...)

Ukraina: nahikoa da, gehiegi!

Non daude euskal cantamañanas eta NATO zale amorratuak diren Mr. Caballo loco (sic), eta super kazetaria omen bide den Mr. Mikel A.? Hasiera: Diana Panchenko (...)

BRICS (2024ko uda)

Hasiera: @tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu 18 h BRICS Currency Announced! Is it Gold Backed?,BRICS Currency Announced! Is it Gold Backed?, Honen bidez: @YouTube ,YouTube (...)

Scott Ritter eta FBI

Sarrera: Lots of 'information'... Jackson Hinkle @jacksonhinklle Abu. 8 The FBI RAIDED the home of Scott Ritter over alleged violations of the Foreign Agents Registration (...)

Palestina, erresilientzia (63)

Song, kanta "My Name is Gaza" Bideoa: **** US President Harry Truman (1945-1953) stands next to a map showing the State of Palestine. Israel (...)

Palestina, erresilientzia (62)

Song, kanta "My Name is Gaza" Bideoa: **** US President Harry Truman (1945-1953) stands next to a map showing the State of Palestine. Israel (...)

Palestina, erresilientzia (61)

Song, kanta "My Name is Gaza" Bideoa: **** US President Harry Truman (1945-1953) stands next to a map showing the State of Palestine. Israel (...)

Venezuela eta petrolioa

@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu 24 min ONU: LA CONTUNDENTE RESPUESTA DE RUSIA A EE.UU SOBRE VENEZUELA EN EL CON... Honen bidez: @YouTube ONU: LA (...)