Grexit ez da garestiagoa oraingo bidea baino… (1)

Hasteko, irakur Kapitulazio totala ala Grexit?1

Bill Mitchell-en artikulua: A Greek exit could not be more costly than the current path2.

Badirudi Alemaniak galdu duela arrazoiaren zentzu guztia3.

Baina Finlandiak eta Eslovakiak4?

Bien bitartean, Troikak eskaintza are gogorrago bat egin dio Greziari, azkenean egin ziona baino5… gehi plan surrealista batzuk Greziako jendeari umiliatzeko6.

Azken dokumentuak neurri gogorragoak eskatzen ditu7.

Gailurra, alta, atzo iritsi zen, Merkel-ek hauxe proposatu zuenean:

But the ‘climax’ of the public ‘caning’ (torture, whatever you want to call it), came late yesterday, when the German Chancellor proposed that Greece:

surrender of fiscal sovereignty as the price of avoiding financial collapse and being ejected from the single currency bloc8.”

Hona hemen tragikomedia honen mugarri batzuk:


Troikak Grezia okupatuko luke?10

Tsipras beste planeta batean?11

Frantzia eta Alemania. Euroaren istorioak: Oskar Lafontaine…

Der Euro ist gescheitert …

In English, “the euro has failed”.

Absurdotik tragediara12. Hubris13 eta Nemesis14.

There is some role for Nemesis now in this modern Greek tragedy”

Horrez gain, azken egun hauetan ‘plan’ batzuk egon dira zirkulatzen…

Ikus Grexit ez da garestiagoa oraingo bidea baino… (2) (laster etorriko dena)

1 Ikus

3 Ingelesez: “It appears the Germans (with their Finish and Slovak cronies) have lost all sense of reason, if they ever had any. Germany has the socio-pathological excuse of having suffered from an irrational ‘inflation angst’ since the 1930s and has forgotten its disastrous conduct during the 1930s and 1940s and also the generosity shown it by allied nations who had destroyed its demonic martial ambitions.”

4 Ingelesez: “Finland and Slovakia have no such excuse. They are just behaving as jumped-up, vindictive show ponies who are not that far from being in Greece’s situation themselves. Sure the Finns have a national guilt about their own notorious complicity with the Nazis in the 1940s but what makes them such a nasty conservative allies to the Germans is an interesting question.”

5 Ingelesez: “It also seems to be hard keeping track with the latest ‘negotiating offer’ from either side. But the trend seems obvious. The Greeks offer to bend over further and are met by a barrage of “it is going to be hard to accept this”, followed by a Troika offer (now generalised as the Eurogroup minus Greece which is harsher than the last. And so it goes – from ridiculous to absurd or to quote a headline over the weekend – From the Absurd to the Tragic, which I thought was an understatement.

6 Ingelesez: “There are also a plethora of ‘plans’ for Greece being circulated by all and sundry – most of which hang on to the need for the nation to run ‘primary fiscal surpluses’, with no reference to the scale of the disaster before us (or rather the Greek people). It is surreal that this daily farce and public humiliation (like the medieval parading of recalitrants in stocks) is being clothed as ‘governence’. Only in Europe really.

7 Ingelesez: “The latest document from the Recession Cult “has demanded even deeper measures from Athens, which Euclid Tsakalotos has apparently acceded to”.

They now want a “primary surplus target of 3.5 percent of GDP by 2018″, much deeper pension cuts, widespread product market deregulation, a more comprehensive privatisation program (so that the northern capital owners can get their hands on Greek assets for cheap), massive deregulation of the labour market, wind-back legislation since the beginning of 2015 “which have not been agreed with the institutions and run counter to the program commitments” and put all of that on top the harsh austerity that has already been pushed leading into the referendum.

The sentiment is that Germany is not going for an exit for Greece but “total … submission and probably a new government by … end of the week”.

Well that document was then overtaken by the public release (via leak) of the “four-page document that … [proposed] … Greece leaving the euro temporarily by taking a “time-out” from the currency bloc” and sequestering more than “€50bn worth of assets as collateral for new loans and for eventual privatisation.”

8 Ikus Greek crisis: surrender fiscal sovereignty in return for bailout, Merkel tells Tsipras:

9 Ingelesez: “Vengeance by the powerful elite. A most venal strategy to destroy the weak.”

10 Ingelesez: “So finally, the Troika will “occupy” Greece, the first time that a foreign power has occupied an advanced European nation since you know when. The Troika’s creepy, mindless, neo-liberal Groupthink-besotted economists and officials will parade around Athens in their expensive suits lording it over a suffering nation as part of the occupation and take-over. Apparently, this is to “monitor the proposed bailout programme”.”

11 Ingelesez: “But soon the Greek government will be no more – Tsipras’s stupidity has engineered a massive split in his ranks and the Guardian is now reporting that the rejection of the bailout by many of his MPs has stripped “his government of a working majority”. (…) Tsipras, seemingly on another planet, is still talking about all this as a “compromise”. He obviously is not up to it.”

12 Mitchell-ek Stathis Kouvelakis-en elkarrizketa ekartzen du gogora: From the Absurd to the Tragic.

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