Krisia gaindituta ote?

Albistea: Unemployment in the EU jumps. 50% of Spanish and Greek youth without work, without hope1.

Langabezia, alokairu tarte masiboak, gazteria esperantzarik gabe…

Biba Europako baloreak!

EBko oligarkak eta teknokratak oso goxo Frankfurteko beren egoitza berrian (1.3 billion euro offices in Frankfurt), jende arrunta borrokatzen ari den bitartean, buruaren gainean teilatu bat edukitzearren.

Ukrainara bidaliko den dirutza ($22 billion about to be sent to non-member state Ukraine, courtesy of the EU), ez zatekeen hobeto erabiliko EB barruan?

(Amerikar bilioia: 109)

EBko mehatxurik handiena gazteria da2.

Zertan dabil EBZ?

… the ECB is desperately focused on masking the biggest issue plaguing Europe’s financial system which is the several trillion in undisclosed bad loans on the books of bank balance sheets…”

Amerikar trilioia: 1012

2 Ingelesez: “ it is the youth (under 25) unemployment, which at 22.9%, and just barely below the 24% from a year ago. Worse, in the two most troubled European nations, Greece and Spain (with Italy not far behind), it remains well over half.”

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude