Europar Hiritarren Nazioarteko Komisioa (EHNK)

ICEC – International Commission of European Citizens1

Webgunean honelako sailak aurkitzen dira:

(i) Zer den (Home)

ICEC is an NGO (…)

Social movements from Scotland, Catalonia, Flanders, Euskal Herria, Veneto and South Tyrol together with social representatives from other European nations,… use ICEC (…)”

(ii) Historia (History)

ICEC took its first steps with the “Consulta sobre la Independència de Catalunya” (popular referendums on Catalan independence) organised by grassroots movement in 555 Catalan municipalities (out of 942) from 2009 to 2011, when Barcelona organised the last one. (…)

Today ICEC is the most important and structured international organization acting for the normal exercise of the right of self-determination in the EU and became a referent for local and continental institutions with which we cooperate in a constructively path to develop solutions to restore the political sovereignity to European historical Nations.”

(iii) Bruselako Aldarrikapena (Declaration of Brussels)

the right of self-determination that is recognised worldwide and confirmed through international treaties.”

(v) Nazioarteko Sarea (International Network)

(v ) Kontaktuak (Contacts): Bozeramaileak (Spokespersons)

Katalunian: Anna Arqué


Euskal Herrian: Iñigo Jaca

(vi) ICEC-eko Albisteak (ICEC News)

ICEC conference on “The exercise of Self-Determination in the EU” concludes with the Venice declaration.


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