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W. Mosler-ek FED eta Altxor Publikoaren koordinazioaz: Altxor Publiko subiranoek ez dute beren moneta maileguz hartu, gastatu ahal izateko[1].

Ordenagailuaren teklatua erabiltzen da…

Hona Stephanie Kelton-ek dioena[2]:

The Federal Reserve, like any bank, can acquire an asset simply by crediting a bank account. In other words, the bank pays by creating money. As Alan Greenspan explained, the Fed has an unlimited capacity to spend in US dollars.It can pay trillions of dollars with a single keystroke.”

Izan ere, 2012ko martxoaren 29an, Ben Bernanke FEDko buruak honela zioen[3]:

“Now, you might ask the question, well, the Fed is going out and buying 2 trillion dollars of securities – how did we pay for that? And the answer is that we paid for those securities by crediting the bank accounts of the people who sold them to us, and those accounts, at the banks, showed up as reserves that the banks would hold with the Fed. So the Fed is a bank for the banks. Banks can hold deposit accounts with the Fed, essentially, and those are called reserve accounts. And so as the purchases of securities occurred, the way we paid for them was basically by increasing the amount of reserves that banks had in their accounts with the Fed.”

Sometimes you hear that the Fed is printing money in order to pay for the securities we acquire. And I’ve talked about that in some, you know, in giving some conceptual examples. But as a literal fact, the Fed is not printing money to acquire these securities, and you can see it from the balance sheet here, the light blue line is basically flat. The amount of currency in circulation has not been affected by these activities.”

“…reserve balances. Those are that accounts that banks, commercial banks, hold with the Fed, and they are assets of the banking system and they are liabilities of the Fed, and that’s basically how we paid for those securities.And so, the banking system has a large quantity of these reserves, but they are electronic entries at the Fed. They basically just sit there. They’re not in circulation. They’re not part of any broad measure of the money supply. They’re part of what’s called the monetary base, but again, they’re not, they certainly aren’t cash.

FED ezin da dirurik gabe geratu, inoiz ez.

Kelton-en galdera[4]:

“So ask yourself this question: If the Federal Reserve can create trillions of dollars with a single keystroke, and the Fed is the government’s bank, then why does President Obama claim we’ve “run out” of money?…

Kelton-en erantzuna:

The answer is simple. Most of us don’t understand the monetary system. Instead of deciding how the government should wield its power over the dollar, we live in fear of the ratings agencies, the Chinese, the bond market vigilantes and other imaginary evils. And this holds all of us back….”

Badago irtenbiderik. Kelton-ek, berriz:

There is an alternative. And it begins with an understanding of the monetary system.”

2010ean, Mosler-ek Mosler for Senate  izeneko lantxoan[5] honela zioen, laburpen argi eta zehatzean:

(a)    Diru modernoak konputagailuen bidez funtzionatzen du

(b)    Gobernuak gastatzen edo maileguak ematen dituenean, hori gauzatzen du banku pribatuen kontuetan zenbakiak gehituz

(c)    Gobernuak zergapetzen duenean, lehengo kontu horiek beherantz markatzen ditu

(d)    Gobernuak maileguak hartzen dituenean, soilik egiten duena hauxe da: FEDko eskari-gordailu batetik (erreserba-kontutik) FEDko aurrezki-kontu batera (balore-kontura) fondoak aldatzea

(e)    Gobernuak gastatzen duen dirua ez dator inondik, eta ez du ezer kostatzen ekoizteko

(f)     Beraz, Gobernua ezin da dirurik gabe gelditu, ez du behar beste lekuetatik maileguz hartzea (kasu, Txinatik) edozein gauza finantzatzeko

(g)    Gobernu-defizitak gure aurrezkiei gehitzen zaizkie azken zentimoraino, kontabilitatea dela eta

(h)    Mosler-en nomina-zergak zuzenki errentak eta aurrezkiak handituko ditu. (Kasurako, baldin eta Mosler-en zerga-murrizketa astero 20 x 109 dolarreko bada, gainontzeko hiritarrentzat horixe izango da gehiketa zehatza errentan eta aurrezkian.)

(i)      Gobernu federalarentzat, zergek ez dute balio diru-sarrerak bereganatzeko, ekonomiaren tenperatura kontrolatzeko termostato gisa antzekoak dira. Oso beroa denean, zergak igotzeak hoztu egingo du. Baldin eta ekonomia oso hotza bada (orain bezala), zerga-murrizketa handi bat da beharrezkoa, ekonomia berotzeko, funtzionatze-tenperatura lortu arte

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude