“Gramatika sinesgaitza denean”, Linda Wiechetek-en tesia eta agurra

Linda Wiechetek, Norvegiako Tromsø-ko Unibertsitateko ikerlariak tesia defendatu du maiatzean, Ixa taldean oso ondo ezagutzen dugu, 2010ean gurean egin zuen egonaldi bat eta geroago ere harremanetan ibili gara murriztapen-gramatikak eta aditz-azpikategorizazioa direla-eta, eta horren erabilera itzulpen automatikoan, transferentzia lexikalean eta sintaktikoan.
Euskara ere ikasi zuen gurekin : – )
Tesiaren ale bat bidali digu orain Lindak:
Valency and semantic categories in North Sámi syntactic analysis and
error detection.
Eta tesiko sarrerako hitz gozo hauek ekarri ditugu hona:
“I would like to thank the members of Basque language technology group IXA at Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, who were extremely welcoming and helpful (Kepa Sarasola and Amaia Lorenzo were great with all the administrative work and the application process, and Ruben Urizar lent me his bike), and who were ready to discuss exciting things within Constraint Grammar (Jose Mari Arriola), valency/semantic role annotation (Ainara Estarrona and Izaskun Aldezabal), and dependency annotation (Maxux Aranzabe) with me.
I really enjoyed our lunches with the people from Korta, and no one ever complained when I asked tons of questions about Basque grammar, history and culture : ) Eskerrik asko denei! Zorte ederra izan nuen zuekin euskera ikasteko abagunea izan nuenean. Eskerrik asko Antiguoko AEKko jendeei, hargatik! Not only did Basque morpho-syntax let me see North Sámi grammar in a different light, it also made me excited again about the immense variation in thinking (and expressing these thoughts in language) in this world.”

Iruzkinak (1)

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