Mintegia: T. Andrews. Hizkuntza teknologia galeserako (2011/11/02)

Hizkuntza teknologiako alorrean harreman handi izan dugu beti Gales-eko ikerlariekin. Bangor Unibertsitateko Briony Williams, Delith Prys and Gruff Prys izan ditugu lehenago gure artean. Baliabide Urriko hizkuntzen inguruan elkarrekin lan egin dugu SALTMIL barruan ere. Orain Gales-etik datorkigun Tegau Andrews bisitariarekin mintegi bat antolatu dugu. Horrez gain beste bilera batzuk ere planifikatu ditugu Wordnet eta Berbatek proiektuari buruz aritzeko.

Hizlaria: Tegau Andrews (Bangor Unibertsitatea, Gales) Uned Technolegau Iaith. Prifysgol Bangor
Eguna: Azaroaren 2a, asteazkena
Tokia: Fakultateko 3.2 gela
Ordua: 15.00

From terminology standardization systems to machine translation: An overview of Welsh language technologies

An endangered language will progress if its speakers can make use of electronic technology” so postulates Wales-based linguistics professor David Crystal (Language Death, 2000: 141). Welsh, spoken by 20.8% of the population of Wales (Census 2001), is classed a vulnerable language by UNESCO, yet it is the Welsh Government’s stated aim to make Wales a truly bilingual nation.

This talk will focus on the progress being made in developing language technologies for Welsh speakers. It will range over topics such as Welsh machine translation, computer-aided translation tools, text-to-speech technology, terminology portals and e-learning resources, and present an overview of the work being done at the Terminology and Language Technologies Unit at Bangor University. The aim of such work is to
enable and encourage Welsh speakers to use electronic technology in their own language.

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