Hitzaldia: Modaltasuna eta ukapena hizkuntzaren prozesaketan (Roser Morante, 2011/02/23)

“Modaltasuna eta ukapena hizkuntzaren prozesaketan: oraingo joerak eta etorkizuneko norabideak”
“Modality and negation in natural language processing:  current trends and future directions
Roser Morante Ikertzailea BIOGRAPH proiektuan (Walter Daelemans-en taldearena)  
-Computational Linguistics research group University of Antwerp,
: Informatika Fakultateko Batzar Aretoa
Otsailaren 23
: 16:00

Hizkuntza-teknologiako zenbait aplikazio berritan saiatzen da testuak ulertzen:

  • iritzi-azterketa (nola hitz egiten da testuan? positiboan edo negatiboan?),
  • sentimendu-analisia (testua triste edo alaia da?),
  • testu-laburpenak
  • galderak erantzuteko sistemak.

Horietan guztietan aditzaren modaltasuna eta ukapena arazo latzak izaten dira testua ondo ulertzeko.

Modaltasunaren adibideak: Ahalera: etor daiteke; Baldintza: etorriko balitz; Ondorioa: etorriko nintzateke; Subjuntiboa: etor dadin.Ukapenaren adibidea: ez dator

Zelan aldatzen da esaldiaren esangura aditzaren modua aldatzen bada?Zelan aldatzen da esaldiaren esangura esaldian ezezkoren bat baldin badago?Hor kokatzen da hitzaldia.

Research on modality and negation focuses on finding subjective,uncertain and counterfactual information in texts, be it in scientific papers, product reviews, or opinions in blogs. This type of +research is concerned with processing texts at the information level and aims at deep text understanding. Modality and negation are phenomena relevantfor all applications that are concerned with +some form of text understanding, including text mining, sentiment analysis, recognizing textual entailment, information extraction, text summarization, and summarization answering. Hence, the adequate +modeling of these phenomena is of crucial importance to the natural language processing (NLP) community as a whole.

Whereas from a theoretical perspective, the study of modality has a long tradition, only in the recent years have these topics attracted the attention of NLP researchers. Mainly, the development of +sentimental analysis techniques and the growing need of mining biomedical texts have been the causes for the interest in these semantic aspects of language.In this talk I will define modality and +negation from an NLP perspective, I will motivate the need for processing these phenomena,and I will summarize existing research on processing modality and negation, touching on diverse aspects +ranging from task modelling to feature visualization. Finally, I will speculate about future.developments in this research area.

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