Mintegia: Testuinguruaren garrantzia laburpen automatikoan (W. Bosma, 2010-10-22)

Gaia: Contextual salience in query-based summarization
Tokia: 2.2 mintegia
Hizlaria: Wauter Bosma (Vrieje Universiteit Amsterdam)Eguna: Urriaren 22a
Ordua: 15:00

Amsterdameko Unibertsitate Libretik etorri zaigu bisitan Wauter Bosma ikerlaria. Hilebetez ibiliko da gurekin lanean, gu ere partaide garen Kyoto proiektuan lankidea dugu Wauter.

Bere ikerlerro nagusia laburpena automatikoa da. Eta horretaz hitz egingo du bihar asteartean. Berak teknika berri bat garatu du laburpenak grafuen bidez automatikoki lortzeko, beti ere testuinguruan azaltzen diren kontzeptuen arteko harremanak asimilatzeko asmoz.

Discourse theories claim that text gets meaning in context. Most summarization systems do not take advantage of this. They assess the relevance of each passage individually rather than modeling the way context affects the relevance of passages. In order to model relations in text, I developed a framework for graph-based summarization, so that the passages can be viewed in a broader context. The result is a summarization system which is more in line with discourse theory but still fully automatic. I evaluated the content selection performance of an implementation of the framework in different configurations.  The system significantly outperforms a competitive baseline (and participant systems) on the DUC 2005 evaluation set.

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude