Hitzaldia: Example Based Machine Translation (Andy Way)

HITZALDIA:  "Example Based Machine Translation"
"Adibideetan oinarritutako Itzulpen Automatikoa"

: Andy Way. Dublin-eko DCU unibertsitateko irakaslea, EAMTko Batzorde Exekutiboko Presidentea (European Association for Machine Translation)

EGUNA: ekainak 11 (16:00-18:00)
LEKUA: Informatika Fakultateko 3.17 gelan
(3. solairuan)

GARDENKIAKEBMTEuropean Projects on MT
LABURPENA– A brief introduction to EBMT,- Issues for EBMT over the years, and the extent to which they have since been addressed (possibly in other paradigms)- Recent open-source EBMT releases.Europako Batzordeak Itzulpen Automatikoari buruz egun finantzatzen dituen proiektuak

Iruzkinak (1)

  • Badaukagu Andyrekin komentatzeko beste gai bat. Begiratu hemen: Futbol munduko Txapelketan Twiter-eko mezuetarako itzultzaile automatikoa egin dute Andy Way-ren unibertsitatean. Ez da makala! Baina europako 6-7 hizkuntzetarako bakarrik. Begiratu zein den duten kezkakezka 😉Asian and Arabic languages will not be covered by the project. “We think
    we have covered the teams that have the best chance of winning, but if
    it’s a Japan versus [North or South] Korea final, we’re in trouble,”
    said Andy Way, the head of integrated language technologies at DCU.
    “Other people have done live keyword analysis of tweets for matches like
    the FA Cup final between Chelsea and Portsmouth, but we believe we’ll
    be the first to offer a live translation stream.”

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