Langabezia eta lan bermea (W. Mosler eta B. Mitchell)

Langabezia eta Warren Mosler

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Deficit Owls@DeficitOwls1

From our library: Unemployment Is Created By Government And Can Only Be Solved By Government. 

2016 aza. 23

Unemployment Is Created By Government And Can Only Be Solved By Government2

Warren Mosler, one of the founders of Modern Money Theory, discussing the purpose and consequence of tax. The monetary system is a tool to move resources to the government: the government imposes a tax on its citizens for a token piece of paper that only it can issue. In order to get the money to pay the tax, the citizens must work for the government, or must work for somebody else who has gotten the tokens from the government.

Unemployment is defined as actively seeking employment. So, before the tax, there was no unemployment because nobody was seeking work that paid in the government’s new money. After the tax but before the government has hired people, everybody is unemployed! As the government pays people and the money works its way to various hands, the unemployment rate drops.

Since the private sector has a strong desire to save, this means the government must run deficits: the government must issue more in spending than it plans to collect in taxes, or else the private sector won’t be able to save because there won’t be any excess. If there isn’t a large enough deficit to allow people to meet their savings goals, then there will be unemployment, as people hoard money instead of spend it to create sales and jobs.

So the only way to eliminate unemployment is for the government to have the proper sized deficit. And in particular, to do so without causing inflation, requires a Job Guarantee program. More about that here:…

See the whole video here:…

Lan bermea eta Bill Mitchell

Lan bermeko programa (Job Guarantee program)

MMT: What Is A Job Guarantee (or “Labor Standard”)?3

Professor Bill Mitchell (University of Newcastle) explaining the idea of a Job Guarantee policy. In a Job guarantee program, the government offers a fixed nominal wage (like, say, $12/hour + benefits) to anybody who is ready, willing, and able to work. The price of labor would be fixed, while the quantity the government purchased would be allowed to “float,” based on what’s going on in the economy. In this way, it acts like a “buffer stock scheme,” to stabilize the price of unskilled labor.

This brings involuntary unemployment down immediately and permanently to zero. By fixing the cost of unskilled labor, it would also impart greater price stability to the economy as a whole. Essentially it works the same way as a gold standard, except by fixing the price of unskilled labor instead of the price of gold.

See the whole video here:…


Bill Mitchell-i segituz, DTMz irakurtzean, ondoko prozedura proposatzen dut:

1. Ahantz nor zaren.

2. Ahantz gobernuaz -ona ala txarra- pentsatzen duzuna, berarekin itsatsita zaude.

3. Ahantz pentsatzen duzuna politika sozialaz, ahantz emozio guztiak.

4. Ahantz zer naziotan bizi zaren, ez du axola.

5. Ahantz aldez aurreko kontzeptu ekonomiko guztiak eta prestakuntza (baldin baduzu).

6. Orduan ahalegindu ulertzen irakurtzen duzuna.

Ulertu al duzue ekonomialariek, politikariek, kazetariek, progreek eta abarrek?

Ezezkoan, irakur behin eta berriz, buruz ikasi arte.

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