DTM minutu batean

Ikus https://twitter.com/in_mmt

Hona hemen ‘minutu’ batzuk:

Warren Mosler: (https://twitter.com/in_mmt/status/1224291325903699970)

#MMT In Under A Minute


A growing population expects the economy to grow & “a growing economy is expected to include a growing net money supply” Public debt is leftover govt spending that hasn’t been taxed that continues to serve a growing population and a growing economy with a #JG #GND and #M4A #MMT

2020 ots. 3

Randall Wray: (https://twitter.com/in_mmt/status/1225704439945678849)

#MMT In Under A Minute


A currency issuing govt must firstly spend the currency into existence before it can collect it in taxes. Having spent the currency, why would it now need to collect taxes in order to again spend. A govt that issues it’s own currency does not rely on taxes to spend. #MMT #auspol

2020 ots. 7

Bill Mitchell: (https://twitter.com/in_mmt/status/1223507060211343366I

#MMT In Under A Minute


A #JobGuarantee is a core component of #MMT. Having a job at a socially inclusive wage is a core component of living within a monetary system. When it becomes unprofitable for the private sector to employ people that only leaves the govt. A job guarantee leaves no one behind.

2020 ots. 1

Stephanie Kelton: (https://twitter.com/in_mmt/status/1225362258152185857)

#MMT In Under A Minute


When you’re the federal govt of a monetary sovereign nation like the U.S, U.K, Australia, Canada, Japan and others, guaranteeing a job for every Citizen wanting a job is a given and fulfils a basic human right. #MMT #JobGuarantee #auspol #economy #education

2020 ots. 6

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude