Albisteak pilatuz doaz

Albiste mordo bat egunero pilatzen ari direnez, berri horien tituluak emango ditut.

Irakurleak jatorrizko testura joan beharko luke informazio gehiagoren bila.


a) Apokalipsia ala katastrofea?1

Grezia dirurik gabe egon daiteke…2 Likidezia faltan egon daiteke aste gutxi barru…3 Zer gertatuko da? Grezia eurogunetik bota dezakete…4 Zer gertatuko da Europan?5 Ondorioak: Espainia, Portugal, Italia eta Irlandaren gaineko merkatuen presioak…6

b) Alan Greenspan-ek: “Greziak euroa utziko du7.”

c) Britainia Handia hasi da prestatzen Grexit baterako8.

d) Greziak porrot egiten badu, hurrengoa Italia izango da9.

e) Greziaren kutsatzea?10 Espainia eta Italiaren bonoak?

2 Ingelesez: “As the WSJ reports, “Greece warned it was on course to run out of money within weeks if it doesn’t gain access to additional funds, effectively daring Germany and its other European creditors to let it fail and stumble out of the euro.””

3 Ingelesez: “Greek Economy Minister George Stathakis said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. “…We will have liquidity problems in March if taxes don’t improve,(…) Then we’ll see how harsh Europe is.””

4 Ingelesez: “If the Greek government runs out of cash, the country would be forced to default on its debts and reintroduce its own currency, thus abandoning the euro. Most of the €240 billion in aid that Europe and the International Monetary Fund have pumped into the country would be lost.”

5 Ingelesez: “The bigger question is what does a Grexit mean for Europe. Recall it was in May 2012, just around the time of the second Greek bailout, that Charles Dallara, who as head of the International Institute of Finance (IIF) spent months in Athens negotiating the largest ever sovereign debt restructuring, said that “the damage to the rest of Europe from Greece leaving the euro would be “somewhere between catastrophic and Armageddon.”

6 Ingelesez: “Willem Buiter predicted:

As soon as Greece has exited, we expect the markets will focus on the country or countries most likely to exit next from the euro area. Any non-captive/financially sophisticated owner of a deposit account in that country (or in those countries) will withdraw his deposits from banks in countries deemed at risk – even a small risk – of exit.  Any non-captive depositor who fears a non-zero risk of the future introduction of a New Escudo, a New Punt, a New Peseta or a New Lira (to name but the most obvious candidates) would withdraw his deposits from the countries involved at the drop of a hat and deposit them in the handful of countries likely to remain in the euro area no matter what – Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria and Finland.” (Banku gordailuez, beste sarrera batean arituko gara, laster.)

7 Ikus Alan Greenspan: “Greece Will Leave The Eurozone” And “There Is No Way That I Can Conceive Of The Euro Continuing“:

Ingelesez: “…he told BBC Radio’s the World This Weekend that Greece will leave the Eurozone. I don’t see that it helps Greece to be in the Euro, and I certainly don’t see that it helps the rest of the Eurozone. It’s just a matter of time before everyone recognizes that parting is the best strategy.… At this stage I don’t see any people who are willing to put up the funds for Greece…””

... he took a stabe at the Eurozone itself. The problem is that there there is no way that I can conceive of the euro of continuing, unless and until all of the members of eurozone become politically integrated – actually even just fiscally integrated won’t do it.

8 Ikus UK Begins Preparations For Grexit:

Ingelesez: “From the WSJ:

The U.K. government is stepping up contingency planning to prepare for a possible Greek exit from the eurozone and the market instability such a move would create, U.K. Treasury chief George Osborne said on Sunday.”

10 Ikus Greek Contagion? Spanish/Italian Bond Risk Surge Most In 4 Months:

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