Zipriztin ekonomikoak (2)

(i) Gobernu globala?

The False Economic Promise of Global Governance1

(ii) Minsky, berriz

#TMM Stabilizing an Unstable Economy #Minsky2

2016 abu. 12

(iii) Europako Bake proiektua?

The myth of the European peace project3

(iv) Pluralismoa ekonomian

The need for pluralism in economics4

(v) Espainiaren mirakuluak

Sandra Moro@SandraM_Tcon05

Questa austeriity che funziona…ha del miracoloso. Facciamo come la Spagna? Un bel 4,80. …

2016 abu. 13

(vii) Jendea da arazoa, ez eliteak (sic)

German President Booed, Attacked; Claims “The People Are The Problem, Not The Elites”6

(viii) Job guarantee?

This Republican mayor has an incredibly simple idea to help the homeless. And it seems to be working.7

1 Ikus

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude