Albisteak infernutik (2)

1) Infernutiko albisteak

Hasierarako, gogoratu datu ikaragarri hauek:

Amerikar bilioia: 1000.000.000

Euskal Herriko inozokeriaren eredurik ereduena, oso adierazgarria berau, ikus Politika da kontua:

Antidoto gisa, irakur Bill Mitchell-en gaurko artikulua (Why no-one should vote for the Australian Labor Party) non Australiaz gain Grezia ere aipatzen duen:

Galdera hauxe izan beharko litzateke:

Zergatik Europako ezker ofizialari botoa eman behar zaio (hasi Greziako Syrizarekin segi Espainia una, grande y libreko Podemos-ekin bukatzeko EHko sasi ezkertiarrekin?

Mitchell-ek dioenez,

I remain convinced that Greece should exit the Eurozone immediately, redenominate all debts in their new currency, and introduce a Job Guarantee along with other stimulatory measures.

Within one quarter they would be growing strongly – and demonstrating to Spain, Italy, and other nations what life can be like outside the sociopathological straitjacket of the Eurozone.”


Greek Banks On Verge Of Total Collapse: Bank Run Surges “Massively” As Depositors Yank €700 Million Today Alone

Is the US about to offer Greece a poison pill? EU debt deal but Greece must stop Turk Stream project

A Very European Episode

Junker Declines Tsipras Call: Greece “Not Serious”, “No Reason To Meet”

EU’s Junker Snubs Greek Prime Minister, Declines Phone Call

2) EBZ tartean

ECB Keeps Rates Unchanged Ahead Of Draghi Press Conference

Draghi To Address Bond Rout, Inflation, Greece, QE Outlook At ECB Press Conference

Mario Draghi’s “Moar Is Still Needed Despite Progress” ECB Press Conference – Live Feed

3) Grexit, behin eta berriz

Greece Should Exit Eurozone, Recover National Currency to Pay Debt

Greece Should Leave Eurozone If Bailout Terms Fail – Official

4) Hitzontzikeria

Forget “Game Theory” – Yanis Varoufakis Introduces “Hope Theory”

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate

Euroland,  mon amour

(Dante revisited)

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude